More In Car Camping Pics
Car 1
This is a 2-door Land Rover Discovery with a dual battery system plus solar powered fridge and. slide out drawers.
Solar panel across front of roof(second battery located in engine bay):

Slide-out drawers and rear view (passenger seat slides forward for sleeping). Fridge is an AutoFridge that allows extended cool-downs and minimal on-off cycles therefore is more sleep-friendly.

Car 2
This is a 2WD van with solar. It is currently not set up in camping mode.
Solar panel:

Interior of van. Mattress runs left-right across bottom of picture. Gear is stored on shelving on right. Fridge and battery box in centre of picture.

Car 3
This is a 2WD van.
Side view - lots of storage space under bed and space on left for fridge, etc:

Rear view.

Car 4
This is a 4WD tray truck with a dual battery system (200AH battery under tray), shelving under roof, fridge on drop down sliding rails, plus eternal water storage constructed from sewage pipes (stronger than regular plastic piping).
Rear view. Lots of space for mattress (and other stuff). Slide out fridge at left-rear of picture:

Rear view showing shelving for detector coils, etc.

Slide out and drop down fridge:

Close-up of water tank/storage supported by roll-bar. Constructed from sewerage pipes (for strength) and retains rear-view vision. Additional water storage would be required for extended trips. Also visible at top is the cover end of a roll-out awning:

Car 5
This is a All-Wheel Drive compact. Driver's seat slides forwards for sleeping. Stainless steel water tank under bed. Dual battery system plus solar power for fridge.
120 watt solar panel:

Stainless steel water storage under bed (near bottom of pic) plus storage; viewed from driver's side passenger door. Bed extends via swing arms when driver's seat is moved forwards.

Passenger side view. Esky (ice box) moves out for sitting in seat with sat TV on table in front (whatever takes your fancy!). 150AH battery sits on floor under table (just visible).